44% of bread produced in the UK goes to waste. Oh Crumbs!

44% of bread produced in the UK goes to waste. Oh Crumbs!

Taking over the blog today, it’s the Crumb Spreader, Adrià Tarrida.

I’ve always thought that companies should do, first of all, good. Making money is just the way they can ensure they’ll be doing good for longer! That’s why, when my mate and Chief Crumber Morgan told me about his idea of doing beer out of bread that otherwise would go to waste, I didn’t think twice before asking him to (please, please!) let me be on board.

It was one of those incredibly serendipitous moments: I had just joined Loveworks, a local charity in Reigate that, amongst many other things, runs food banks in the area, both from donations and recovered food from local supermarkets. We are also trying to secure the lease of the café space in the new Community Hub in Merstham to run a, erm, Community Café from there, partnering up with another great charity, MCFT, and some local friends. If you’re curious about this, you can find out more on the website (and while you’re at it, like the Facebook page and follow us on Twitter).

The recipe for a food recovery café!

And it was only doing my homework for the Community Cafe project, that I realised of the scale of the food waste issue. 15 million tonnes of food every year just in the UK! And bread is the worst offender, with nearly half (44%) of the bread produced in the UK going to waste at some point of the supply chain. Horrendous!

That’s why I feel so good about making beer out of bread. We can turn some of that lovely crafted product (ours is from the amazing Chalk Hills Bakery in Reigate) into one of my favourite beverages while helping reduce food waste. Win!

Some gorgeous bread from Chalk Hills Bakery. Quick, let’s drink it before it goes to waste!

So, as soon as our first Amber Lager batch has fermented (not long to go!) you’ll be able to do your bit to help with food waste. Isn’t that awesome?

PS: and wouldn’t also be awesome to support Loveworks and the Community Café project as well? Come on, you know you want to!